Classification of Viruses

Viruses are classified by phenotypic characteristics, such as morphology, nucleic acid type, mode of replication, host organisms, and the type of disease they cause. They are as follows:

  • Classification based on nucleic acid
  • Classification based on structure or symmetry
  • Classification based on replication properties and site of replication
  • Classification based on host range
  • Classification based on mode of transmission

classification of viruses

Flowchart: Classification of viruses

1. Classification based on Nucleic Acid:

(a) DNA virus: The viral genome is DNA.

(i) Double-stranded DNA virus: Examples: Adenovirus, Herpesvirus.

(ii) Single-stranded DNA virus: Example: Parvovirus.

(b) RNA virus: Genome is RNA.

(i) Double-stranded RNA virus: Example: Reovirus.

(ii) Enveloped Retroviruses Single stranded RNA virus: These are further classified into two groups.

• Positive sense RNA (+RNA): Polio virus, Influenza virus.

• Negative sense RNA (−RNA): Rabies virus.

2. Classification of Viruses based on Structure:

(a) Cubical virus: They are also known as icosahedral symmetry virus. Examples: Reo virus, Picorna virus.

(b) Spiral virus: They are also known as helical symmetry virus. Examples: Paramyxovirus, orthomyxovirus.

(c) Radial symmetry virus: They look like spoke or wheel type. Example: Bacteriophage.

(d) Complex virus: They possess a capsid that is neither purely helical nor purely icosahedral. Example: Pox virus.

3. Classification of virus based on replication properties and site of replication:

(a) Replication and assembly in the cytoplasm of the host: Example: All RNA viruses replicate and assemble in the cytoplasm of the host cell except the Influenza virus.

(b) Replication in nucleus and assembly in the cytoplasm of host: Examples: Influenza virus, Pox virus.

(c) Replication and assembly in the nucleus of the host: All DNA viruses replicate and assemble in the nucleus of the host cell except the Pox virus.

(d) Virus replication through ds DNA intermediate: Examples: All DNA viruses, Retrovirus, and some tumor-causing RNA virus replicates through ds DNA as intermediates.

(e) Virus replication through ss RNA intermediate: Example: All RNA viruses except Reovirus and tumor-causing RNA viruses.

4. Classification of Viruses based on Host Range:

(a) Bacteriophage: Phages are viruses infecting bacteria. Examples: λ phage, T2, T4, φ174, MV-11.

(b) Plant virus: Those viruses that infect plants. Examples: TMV, cauliflower mosaic virus.

(c) Animal virus: Those viruses that infect animals. Examples: Poliovirus, Retrovirus, Herpes virus, Adenovirus.

(d) Insect virus: Virus that infects insects. Examples: Baculovirus, Sacbrood virus, Entomopox virus, Granulosis virus.

5. Classification of virus based on mode of transmission:

(a) Virus transmitted through respiratory route: Examples: Swine flu, Rhinovirus.

(b) Virus transmitted through fecal-oral route: Examples: Hepatitis A virus, Poliovirus, Rotavirus.

(c) Virus transmitted through sexual contacts: Example: Retrovirus.

(d) Virus transmitted through blood transfusion: Examples: Hepatitis B virus, HIV

(e) Zoonotic virus: Virus transmitted through biting of infected animals. Examples: Rabies virus, Alphavirus, Flavivirus.

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