Dispensing of Drugs to Ambulatory Patients

Dispensing of Drugs to Ambulatory Patients

Depending on the kind of hospital, ambulatory patients get themselves registered at the registration counter of that hospital. After registration, consultation with the doctor, and finally receiving the prescription, the patient goes to the pharmacist to obtain the medicines.  The various steps involved in dispensing are: 

1. While dispensing a prescription, the pharmacist should take every precaution to eliminate errors. The prescription should be received without raising any doubt in the mind of the patient. 

2. If the pharmacist needs any clarification about the prescription, he should contact the physician without the knowledge of the patient. 

3. Pharmacist checks the ingredients and collects the materials for compounding and dispensing. 

4. The compounded prescription is filled on a counter and labeled with detailed instructions including; name, gender, age, and registration number for use and storage. 

5. The pharmacist shall maintain a register for accounting. Mixtures like; ointments, lotions, and powders are not recorded while records of costly drugs like; injections, antibiotics, etc. are maintained and are issued to poor patients only on special drug forms.

6. Prescription is given back to the patient so that the same can be produced by him during his next visit. 

7. Prescription relating to schedule G, H, and X drugs to be written and dealt with under the provision of the Drug and Cosmetics (Amendments) Act 1972. The emergency cases the hospital may be issued medicines immediately. 

The ambulatory care pharmacy in modern hospitals is located in an area where working in such area is very important and includes the following: 

• Reviewing all prescriptions for, clinical appropriateness of the choice of drug and its dosage, route of administration, and duration of therapy. 

• Monitoring of the patient’s medication profile for indications of drug abuse, misuse, or non-compliance. 

• Maintaining professional communication with the prescribers and nurses working in the ambulatory area to achieve together the quality patient care required. 

• Supervising all activities and personnel involved in drug dispensing to ensure the quality of services provided. 

• Providing drug consultation for an individual patient. 

• Participating in patient education programs. 

• Communicating with the IV area for the preparation of all injectable drugs to be administered to ambulatory and personnel care patients, except in emergencies.

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