Need For Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Need For Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
The number of studies in recent years has pointed to a need for more intensive monitoring of drug therapy. These reports have identified the following reasons:


The overuse of medications by patients and over-prescribing by physicians have repeatedly been cited as the cause of drug-induced diseases, e.g. hospitalized patients receive an average of eight to ten drugs, nursing home patients receive from five to nine medications, ambulatory patients used to receive an average of five medications. Multiple drug therapy increases the probability of drug-induced disease. Therefore, patients must receive only those medications that are necessary.

Adverse Reactions 

Adverse reactions of drugs are a major public health problem and account for 3% to 5%  of admissions to hospital medical services. It has been stated in the different studies that with more careful prescribing and monitoring 60 - 80% of these adverse reactions could be prevented.

Medication Errors 

Also, cause problems in institutionalized patients. Unit dose drug distribution systems have significantly reduced the occurrence of medication errors but this area still demands the attention of pharmacy and nursing personnel.


Pharmaceutical care is an integral part of patient outcomes, prescribed drugs have therapeutic advantages as well as drug-related problems such as contraindications, adverse drug reactions, side effects, adverse effects, overdose, and missed doses. Whereas patient factors such as polypharmacy (administration of multiple medicines or drug therapy systems at a  single time), wrong time of drug administration, wrong route, and wrong time. 

Through careful drug monitoring activities, non-compliant patients can be identified and appropriate educational programs can be instituted. 

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