Scope of Community Pharmacy

Scope of Community Pharmacy

Community Pharmacy has a large number of scopes or approaches, which are related to patient counseling and patient drug control. 

Drug Information about Their Action 

Besides a proper understanding of biological and physical science, community pharmacy also provides a grasp of chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, routes of administration, stability, and other information regarding drugs. 

The community pharmacy is an excellent institute and an educational laboratory for physicians and pharmacists carrying out an obligation to provide necessary and fully authoritative information on the drug. Community pharmacy acquires knowledge through personal and individual contacts with the physician but also from the pharmacy and therapeutic committee. Community pharmacy also ensures the pharmaceutical quality of drugs and dispensing of drugs and is also responsible for the selection of a suitable product in the market. 

Drug Utilization 

Community pharmacy helps to develop charging policies for pharmaceutical services. It should also be able to implement an adequate system for stock and inventory control.  Community pharmacy also decides the proper regimen of the drug for the patient. It also gives the knowledge of how to administer the drug to the patient. 

Stock control reports on prescription and controlled drugs dispensed, drug purchases, inspection and improvement in operation, and other aspects that demand attention. 

Drug Distribution 

Considerable quantities of drugs are localized physically outside the pharmacy. It is necessary to have control over the internal distribution of drugs for patients. The patients who are hospitalized may require intensive drug therapy and controlled procedures which will allow rapid rechecks of drug source and quality. The potentialities of automated dispensing at the ward level bring further emphasis to the establishment of correct controls for drug distribution in this situation.

Drug Selection 

In the field of community pharmacy, rational drug therapy plays an important role in the selection of drugs that will be given to the patients to encounter the disease. It is defined as the use of an appropriate, efficacious, safe, and cost-effective drug given for the right indication, in the right dose and right interval of time, and for the right duration of time (Dosage regimen). 

It involves various types of activities like: 

• Adoption of essential drugs concept. 

• Training of health professionals (counseling of health in Rational Drug Therapy/ Rational Drug Use).

• Maintenance of data based on clinical guidelines. 

• Consumer education and regulatory strategies if the Rational Drug Use (RDU) is not proper it leads to illness, adverse drug reactions (ADRs), and increase the cost of medication and treatment to the patient. It is also known as the “Essential Drug Concept” (EDC).

Patient Counseling and Evaluating 

Dialogues between patients and physicians regarding the indication, proper use, and potential adverse effects of non-prescription drugs (NPDs) should be different as compared, when if the physician has written the prescription. In this era, the cost considerations are greater than ever, NPDs should be considered and referred when appropriate, as alternatives to prescription drugs.

Pharmacists Involved in Patient Counseling

 Pharmacists Involved in Patient Counseling

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