Gargles are aqueous solutions used to prevent or treat infection. They are usually available in concentrated form with directions for dilution with warm water for use. They are brought into intimate contact with the mucous membrane of the throat and allowed to remain in contact with it for a few seconds before they are thrown out of the mouth. They are used to relieve soreness in mild throat infections. Phenol or thymol is used as an antibacterial agent in gargles. Phenol or thymol may be present in low concentrations which exert a mild anesthetic effect; KCl is included in gargle preparation for its weak astringent effect, and stimulation of the flow of saliva, which released drugs. Gargle differs from mouthwashes in that they are light-medicated oral mixtures diluted with water before use.
For example:
Phenol gargle, KClO3 gargles.
Storage: Gargles should be
dispensed in clear, fluted glass bottles. Colored bottles are required to be
used if gargles need protection from sunlight.
Formula: Phenol
Phenol glycerin – 5 ml
Amaranth solution - 1 ml
Purified water - q.s. to 100 ml
This gargle may be prepared by mixing amaranth
solution (1% w/v in chloroform water) with a small quantity of water and adding
Phenol glycerin (16% w/w phenol and 84% w/w glycerin) to it. The solution is
stirred and made up to volume with purified water. The gargle is meant to be
diluted with an equal quantity of warm water before use.
Uses: Antibacterial
effect, astringent effect, mild anesthetic effect.
Pack in flip-flop bottles, waterproof packing.